My research focuses on sexual violence, alcohol use, and protective behavioral strategies.
I am a NIAAA funded T32 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown University. My PhD in Clinical Psychology was completed at the University of Central Florida.
The Sexual and Negative Dating Inventory (SANDI) is an updated measure of dating and sexual protective behavioral strategies.

My long-term career goals are to secure a faculty position as a licensed, board certified Clinical Psychologist at an academic research institution. I plan to pursue external funding to support my program of research, teach and mentor, and provide empirically-supported treatment.
Brown University
Conducting research on sexual violence, self-efficacy, and barriers to resisting unwanted sexual experiences, and associations with alcohol use and protective behaviors.
Primary Research Mentors: Dr. Jennifer Merrill and Dr. Lindsay Orchowski
University of Central Florida
Conducting research on college student alcohol use and associations of sexual violence and protective behavioral strategies.
Primary Research Mentor: Dr. Robert Dvorak
University of Washington
Conducted research on Dissemination & Implementation of Common Elements Treatment Approach, First Episode Psychosis, and CBT for Psychosis initiatives in Community Mental Health Agencies.
Primary Research Mentor: Dr. Maria Monroe-DeVita
Conducted research on civilian PTSD post-injury in acute care hospital settings at Harborview Medical Center, a Level 1 Trauma Center.
Primary Research Mentor: Dr. Douglas Zatzick